Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

Boy scout, forms someone personality.

in my school follow 1 ekstrakulikuler which is popular enough in school that is boy scout. identical boy scout with uniform which monotone, and activity ventures on. opinion people about this ekskul having immeasurable. something of opinion that the boy scout pleases, ordinary something only, and also there is of opinion the boy scout drags on.

opinion they immeasurable make I to like. because with variety of opinion mean they pay attention to development of boy scout from epoch to epoch. of course boy scout correctness is activity the always there are its the bearing with string, camp, camping, and dealing with outdoor.

but boy scout is not too drags on which like you to think. with existence of boy scout we socialization can interaction and with member of the other. this activity difference with other activity. we taught for self-supporting from all sides. from the angle of bouncing and physical. strength of mental also tries formed from this activity.

this activity also can form personality pleasing. boy scout also can teach we are for interaction can always with others. at the present day boy scout doesn't drag on. its the activity is added with many game training communications, cooperation, and it is of course, self-supporting.

so, not always boy scout drags on.

Israel which increasingly cruel

by the end of the year 2008 I have heard with case surprising member of world that is attack befalling Palestinian precisely in Kota Gaza. the attack launched by Israel. now Israel massacres all member of Palestinian residing in line Gaza. member becoming victim most of is woman and children.

I am not used up thinks, why Israel had the heart to conduct action that. which I read in newspaper or in magazine that Israel only wish to massacre HAMAS which of course area in town Gaza. but what is going. they exactly massacre all towny Gaza which is not guilty.

Israel is not ought to do that is of all. with this cases almost 1000 member of terenggut its the soul is fruitlessly. I don't understand what which actually there are in mind member of israel at the moment. purpose of Isreal very out of reason. they have dropped rudal more than 25 times. but is result of his its. nothing that important.

not they were all ought to massacre school PBB, place of evacuation, and other places which there are a lot of innocent resident. I very concerned with this case. I thirst for assists Palestinian in facing this attack. but what which I can did. I only can pray and pours contents of my liver liver about this case.

I request government of Indonesia can more lighteningly burden of the members in Palestinian especially in town Gaza which the existing of its(the keadaa is hardly worrying of by the way of more sending help.

the importance of thanking goodness

In this world, nothing that perfection. we are as ordinary man it is of course has excessive passion or desire. when we want something sometimes we to force self to fulfill his its. though we is not guaranted can fulfill it is surely. sometime we feel insufficient by what our now. we always so. nothing that enough in this world according to logical opinion?sight of we.

from here possibly is formed an economics understanding telling that " equipment of limited satisfied, while unlimited human desire." honestly, I write this article because event of this have ever happened even often happened in everyday life of I. I have unlimited desire. while situation of my economics insufficient to fulfill the requirement. I confuse how to I to get money to grant desire myself. finally I also gets idea to raise money which many so that can yield money. I make every effort. but what is going? tomorrow of its the day I'M SICK. said my medical doctor lacking of nutrition that is finally result pain me. at heart I laugh at heart. why I had the heart to did this to my body only for the shake of desire which might not too necessary for myself.

that is its(the usage having BE GRATEFUL. THANKS GOODNESS is locking happy success. if we look for happy in world, firstly must be done is having BE GRATEFUL to all which has been given by God to us. may we own desire, but ultra vires doesn't and harms ourselves and others importance. with this article I try awakes you liver so that more esteemingly life and it is of course more having BE GRATEFUL to God has given we everything.

crafting from flannel cloth

my hobby one of them is make handicraft one of them is flannel cloth barium. 1 my year has exercises to make crafting which this cloth base barium. I feel interesting because impressing more uniquely is compared to other crafting. I feel this skill I must develop because this also important for myself . and at haphazard this skill can yield money.

to make this crafting doesn't require many costs. enough with a few flannel cloth, and equipments sews it is of course. I feel x'self how advantage which I obtain from this crafting.

I wish you to try self. possibly your talent will be dug here. this skill could probably become inspiration of invesment for you.

Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

perasaan yang hilang

di malam ku termenung ...
melihat bintang yang tersenyum kepadaku ...
aku bersyukur ...
masih ada yang mau tersenyum padaku ...

ketika saat itu datang ...
aku tak tau harus melakukan apa ...
aku hanya diam terpaku ...

yang kucintai ...
telah pergi rupanya ...
meninggalkan aku ...
sendiri ...
menghadapi ini semua ...

aku mencoba untuk menerima itu semua ...
karena ku tau ...
aku tak akan ...
memilikinya untuk selamanya ...

perasaan inilah ...
yang selama ini aku takutkan ...
ternyata begitu menyakitkan ...
tidak seperti yang ku bayangkan ...
lebih menyakitkan ...

di tinggal pergi ...
seperti ada yang hilang dari kehidupanku ...
yang hilang adalah ...


Kadang Cinta membuat kita gila .
tak tau kita diracuni oleh apa .
tetapi kita bisa merasakannya .

kadang orang memperjuangkan cintanya .
matanya seperti hilang .
rela malakuakan segalanya demi cinta .
maupun itu melakukan yang benar atau yang salah .

Ya sudah ...
itu kenyataan bukan .

Tetapi yang menjadi pertanyaan .
Apakah semua perjuangan demi cinta itu akan ABADI ?

kita tidak tahu .
ada orang yang menyebutnya ABADI .
dan ada sebagian orang yang menganggapnya itu hanya sementara .

entahlah .
mana yang benar dan mana yang salah .

tetapi yang penting .
semuanya bergantung pada yang menjalankannya .

satu hal lagi yang membuatku kapok untuk bercinta...